Step 3

Check fees, appointment hours, and make initial contact

Our consumer research showed that many people routinely go outside their insurer's "preferred provider" network in order to work with therapists they believe will be a better fit for them.  Furthermore, with the rise of employer-sponsored high-deductible health plans, consumers now have a vested interest in finding cost-effective care. So, choosing the right professional to work with you from the start may save you significant costs -- not to mention aggravation.  If you find the right professional within your insurance network, great!  But, you may prefer to go out of network, or self-pay, in order to see the therapist you really want.  Our system was designed with that in mind, so have a look at your favorite practitioners' usual appointment hours and associated fees. 

Dynamic pricing of appointment hours

AgoraMHN is the first mental health marketplace that encourages its member professionals to use dynamic pricing. Dynamic pricing helps practitioners maintain an active practice by using their time more efficiently. Therefore, their stated fees for self-payers may vary depending on the supply and demand for different appointment times. It can help you as well, since many practitioners may discount certain appointment times in order to fill their schedules. Take a few moments to look closely at their appointment hours and you might see discounts for their hard-to-fill time slots or premiums for their most in-demand hours. (Dynamic pricing of fees is not applicable for "in-network" insurance care since those fees are already set by the insurer.)

Informational meetings

Set up your introductory greetings to make your final selection.  Nowhere is a personal connection more important than in your choice of a mental health professional. So, before you book an appointment, you might want to take advantage of a 10-minute, in-person, informational meeting for only $10 (free if done over the phone). Here is your chance to get those remaining questions answered and greet the professional in her/his place of business. The meeting, whether in person or over the phone, is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as treatment or the start of a professional relationship. The option is yours. Oh, and if you leave a message by telephone on our messaging system, you can count on a prompt reply within one business day...our AgoraMHN professionals agree to this when becoming members!

move on to Step 4